Self Defense Protection
In the aftermath of a shooting where you have used or threatened to use deadly force to defend yourself or others, you may be arrested and possibly charged with a crime. Your best hope of having the charges dropped and not being prosecuted, or not being convicted of a crime is to ensure you have an attorney to handle your case. How do you pay for a legal fees for an attorney to defend you?
A Legal Defense Program basically pays for your attorney’s fees if you are legally using a weapon for self defense or defense of others from an imminent threat of death or grave bodily harm and you are questioned, arrested and/or charged with a crime in connection with the incident.
These legal defense programs are sometimes referred to as “self-defense insurance.”
There are several legal defense programs across the country. The 2 largest and most popular legal defense programs are U.S. LAW SHIELD and USCCA.
As an affiliate organization of both U.S. LAW SHIELD and USCCA, when you select a plan that best suits your families needs, through this web page, you also are supporting Bass Reeves Gun Club, Inc. community and chapter initiatives!
Please click on the images to learn more about each program!